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The Ranchview High School band is one of the largest organizations on campus and consists of a 80 member marching band, 2 concert bands, percussion ensemble and soon to be jazz Band and color guard. The RHS Band has enjoyed 15 plus years of growth and success in all musical endeavors. Students in the band are also members of many other clubs, organizations and sports teams on and off campus. Being a member of the RHS band means you will receive a well-rounded education and surround yourself  with others who share a passion for music.


Makes You Smarter - Scientific research has proven that musical training builds intellectual skills, raises IQs, increases spatial-temporal intelligence, improves memory, and develops creativity. As a result, children who play a musical instrument do better on average in school than those who don't.  In a recent study of SAT scores, students with music education scored 53 points higher on verbal and 39 points higher on math.


Teaches Discipline - Music students learn that if they apply themselves, they can master a skill and achieve results they want.  Learning to play a musical instrument teaches self-discipline, the value of persistence, and the rewards of hard work.  Studies have shown that music students are involved in fewer discipline problems, less crime, and less substance abuse than non-musical students.


Increases Self-Esteem - Music is a self-expression.  Performing music in public, individually, and as a member of a group, builds confidence.  Making music means every musician plays a part that is important to the group.


Relieves Stress - Music helps calm the mind.  It's been shown that music students experience less test- and performance-anxiety than students who don't study music.  And according to studies, college-age musicians are emotionally healthier than non-musicians.


Is Fun & Social - Playing music in a group teaches teamwork, ways of working together, and the joy and rewards of group accomplishment. Band and orchestra members share efforts and experiences, and are often friends for life.


Consider this study from a Harris poll showing how more musically inclined kids tend to also go farther in education:

  • 65 % of those with a high school education participated in a music program

  • That figure climbs to 86% for college graduates

  • It reaches nearly 90% for post graduates

  • And if income matters to you, note that 83% of people earning $150,000 or more per year participated in school music programs.


Marching Season last from August to November


Support our football team 

Play music in the stands 

Perform a halftime show 

Parades and pep rallies

Marching band competitions


Summer Band

3 weeks before school starts

Monday – Friday - 8am to 4pm

Before and After School

First Day of School to End of October

Mondays - 5pm to 8pm, 

Wednesday-Friday - 7am to 8am


The marching band schedule allows students to participate in band AND  be completely free in the afternoon to participate in other activities, sports, or study for academic classes. Many sports and activities do NOTconflict with marching band. This includes football, basketball, baseball, softball, volleyball,track, soccer, tennis, golf, choir, theater, and many IB academic activities. 

If there is a conflict WE MAKE IT WORK!!


We learn a fun and exciting halftime show, learn amazing and fun stand tunes, travel to all the football games, attend competitions around the area and state, and perform at many pep rallies during the year. 


You earn a PE and Fine arts Credit at the SAME TIME!

Students who participate in marching band do NOT have to take PE in High School!


Concert Season last from November to May


Perform concerts throughout the year

Perform at various functions and events

Compete at Solo and Ensemble contest

Audition for All-Region, All-Area, and All-State band

Participate in UIL Concert and Sight-Reading contest

Compete at the State Solo and Ensemble contest in Austin, TX.

Big trips to cities including Orlando, Los Angeles, New York, etc…


Ranchview Band has two competing ensembles

Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band

Starting Next Year

Jazz Band and Color Guard


Every student will audition to be placed in one of our two bands. 

Auditions will occur in May before the next school year begins

Audition music will be passed out to all 8th graders in April.

The high school band directors will travel to Bush MS to listen to all 8th graders who want to join the HS band.


Each band has its own class period. 

Wind Ensemble is - 4th period

Symphonic Band is - 6th period 

(this may change next year)


After School Rehearsals

Sectional rehearsals for both bands are at 7am 

Begin in January and end in April



Concert season does NOTconflict with any sport or activity on campus!

Bottom Line

You can do Band and ANYactivity, sport, or other academic organization at Ranchview High School!

  1. First select BAND as one of your electives!

  2. Participate in all band events at the middle school

  3. Practice your audition music for next year (given in April)

  4. Audition with High School band directors in May

  5. Attend the Ranchview band kickoff camp in May


  7. Begin Summer Band Camp in July - TBD



Easy! All students must choose BAND as an elective to be in the high school band. ITS THAT SIMPLE! If you have any questions, just ask the middle school or high school directors. We will help you!


Now that you are enrolled, the high school directors will pass out audition music at your middle school in April. PRACTICE!! We will then come to the middle school to listen to you play your audition music. Results will be posted at the end of May!


Before school begins in August, we need to prepare for the upcoming marching season. We need to teach you the show, help you learn our stand tunes, teach you how to march and play, and prepare you for the first football game in August.


Summer Band Camp Starts

July 2023 


In order for us to be prepared for the upcoming marching season, we must begin rehearsals in late July. This means we need to have EVERYONE in attendance. So, we are asking all parents please DO NOT schedule ANY vacations from late July to the first day of school. If you are traveling out of the country, we ask that you PLEASE be back home by July 28th so students can participate in summer band. Freshmen students who do not attend summer band will be SEVERELY behind the rest of the band and will not be able to participate in the halftime marching show. The entire band will know almost half the show before the first day of school. Since they have never marched before, there is no possible way a freshmen could catch up. Students who do not attend summer band will still be accepted into the program, however their role within the marching band will be very limited. Please note that all football and volleyball players will be reporting to practice during the second week. All athletes will practice with both their teams and the band during summer band. We work out the schedule with the coaches so band members can participate in both




1. Can my child handle marching band and academics?

Yes. Marching season builds not only a great work ethic but great time management skills. Marching band is definitely a time commitment but the rewards and skills learned are many and lifelong. The average band student will maintain a higher grade point average during marching season than at any other time of the year. It is at the end of marching season when you must be very careful. Students suddenly end up with agreat deal of extra time on their hands and tend not to use it wisely. Seek out a parent of an older band student to gain valuable insight into the management of marching band, academics and time Remember…band students are among the highest academic achievers at Ranchview High School!


2. Can I do band and athletics?


Yes. The coaching and band staffs work very well together to accommodate students and most school activities. There are a number of band students who are involved in athletic sports like football, volleyball, baseball, basketball, wrestling, tennis, soccer, softball, bowling, track and cross country. Coordination, communication, and flexibility are necessary to make this work. Don’t forget that marching band does fulfill your P.E. credit!


3. Is marching band physically challenging?


Yes. Marching band is physically challenging and you will sweat. However you need no prior experience to learn. The act of learning to march can be physically awkward in the beginning but becomes a more natural physical activity over time. Remember…every ninth grader will be starting with the same level of experience and knowledge and will have the same reservations that you do.


4. Does my student have to be in marching band?


Yes. Our curriculum does not include a performing group for non-marchers in the Fall semester. All students will have the opportunity to participate at some level with the exception of some band students whoparticipate with Fall semester sports that directly conflict with the band schedule. We will work with you!


5. What kind of commitment is my student making for marching band?


In order to march in the fall show (“show” is the term the band uses for the performance at half-time on Friday night), a student must participate in the following:


  • August band camp held at Ranchview High School

  • Marching band practice during school on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays practices (4:00 PM to 6:30 PM)

  • Students must also be enrolled in band class during school. In addition to performing half-time at the football games, marching band members participate in at least 3 to 4 all day competitions each fall. Report times for band events vary and will be announced to the students as the season continues. 


6. Can parents volunteer to help the band?


The Ranchview HS Band Boosters are ALWAYS in need of volunteers! If you have not registered on our website, please do so right now. The site also has lots of volunteer and contact information. You can contact any board member from our website and send them an e-mail.


7. How much money does it cost to be in the band?


That depends on the level of participation of your student. Each student is required to purchase a few band supplies. There is a fee to cover expenses not paid for by CFB ISD. We are conscientious of your money and keep our costs down as much as possible. You must also purchase or rent a quality instrument to play in the band. Some instruments like the euphonium, tuba, french horn, oboe, bassoon, tenor sax, and baritone sax are rented from the school. Many expenses associated with supplies and uniform accessories will be one time purchases.


8. Are students required to attend all events?


Students are required to attend all events on the band calendar that pertain to them. In some instances academic eligibility will not allow students to attend some events. We make every effort to inform parents about all band activities. Please make sure to utilize our web site


9. Does my student need to audition to be in band?


Band members only need to sign up for band class on their class selection sheet to be “in”! Students will be placed in one of the 2 bands based on auditions with the high school band directors.

10. Who should I contact if I have questions?


Start with Mr. Jarred Carlton at


So what do we do now?

  • Watch the practices when you get a chance.

  • Support your child.

  • Participate in our fund-raisers!

  • Get ready for an exciting 4 years as a Ranchview HS Band parent!


Our mission is to continually offer the finest quality education to our students in all facets of the program and to impart an understanding of the values of self-discipline, hard work, commitment, and teamwork. We encourage our members to always strive for excellence, and to continuously improve themselves in their advancing education in the program. We instill leadership values and offer numerous opportunities for members to advance as leaders in the guard. Along with receiving an artistic education, our students learn the importance of responsibility, goal setting, motivation, and integrity before receiving their diploma. Strong values and educational excellence are the traits that we find essential for members of our program. We are continually blessed with gifted students who excel in various subjects and are academically superior throughout the school. We believe a fine arts education plays an immense role in the academic success of our students. It is truly a team environment where we instill in our students that only collectively will we succeed. Together the members are committed to continually improving their skills.  Many of our members develop lifelong, enduring friendships. It is the thrill of performing and the lasting friendships that truly makes our activity great.


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